Works and produces in El Salvador. Founder member of The Fire Theory. For Bautista the image is a mental construction. He points to a series of connections since the use of recognizable signs from their immediate perception to acquire through their interactions, new connotations and human dimensions, through a scheme that defines a complex situation of mismatch. He seeks for a dialogue through contrasts related with what at first glance may seem contradictory or absurd, but at the same time can be a poem or a speech on the restructured element itself.

Construction of the Cities of Memory, 2018
Digital video, 17:22 min
Collection of the artist
Josseline Pinto
Josseline Pinto (1996, Guatemala) is an independent curator, educator and poet based in Guatemala City. Co-founder and director of the independent space MANIFESTO-espacio. She is currently an educational curator for Fundación Nacional para las Bellas Artes y la Cultura FUNBA. He also teaches Art History at La Fototeca and at the Escuela Municipal de Artes Visuales. Previously, she co-coordinated the art education program Laboratorio de Arte Contemporáneo at Fundación Paiz. Her essays are published in the book “Darío Escobar Ensayos Dispersos” (2019) and “Agentes Culturales” (2016), as well as in magazines such as Arte al Día, Artishock, Revista Gimnasia and esQuisses. She’s also written for independent projects such as Residencia Chichicaste and the 20 Bienal de Arte Paiz catalogue. She’s worked before as assistant for curator Alma Ruiz during the 20Bienal and in galleries such as The 9.99 Gallery and Proyectos Ultravioleta. Her recent curatorial projects include: Ernesto Bautista: “Un vacío infinito llenándose con la memoria” at Galería Valenzuela Klenner in Bogotá, Colombia (2019), the group show “Después de mí el sueño” at MANIFESTO-espacio (2018); Jason Mena: Victoria sobre el sol (2017), among others. As a poet, she’s also published Objetos1 (2017), Sión Editorial and Cartas Íntimas (2015), Chuleta de Cerdo Editorial; and in anthologies from El Salvador, México and Guatemala. She was selected for the program “Programa de Formación Curatorial” at TEOR/éTica, Costa Rica and for the “Curatorial Intensive Mexico City”, Independent Curators International. She was also part of the 3rd edition of “Escuela de Crítica de Arte”, La Tallera, Cuernavaca, México in 2017. Her work revolves around the study and manifestation of the poetic image and the artistic process as a tool for educational mediation.
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